Coney Island Sites 4 & 5 funded by the Recovery and Resilience Program of the New York City Housing Authority, a project with challenging scope to raise the flood level and prevent up lifts on the existing structures, for both flooding due to high water levels and to prevent loss of power and site services. Three New Construction facilities build on grout micro piles; A new mechanical building for new boilers and all mechanical equipment necessary to support the heating plan for both sites, two new electrical buildings to support the site lighting via rooftop placed gas fired generators, and various service structures; ramps, stair cases, and sidewalks to serve the elevated pressure slabs. The project includes complete site restoration of parking lots, playgrounds and new water, gas, sewer and electric improvement. Site lighting and emergency evacuation is fully supported by the emergency generators.
Project Details
New York City Housing Authority
James McCullar Architecture
Brooklyn, New York